As I anxiously awaited for the Super Bowl on February 7, 2016 to start, I must say as a Seahawks fan I was rooting for the Denver Broncos, I was thinking back to all the showboating, dabbing, tearing of losing teams banners when a touchdown is made etc. by the so-called “leader” of the team, Cam Newton. I use leader loosely here because the first pillar of being a leader is integrity and unfortunately Super Bowl 50 exposed Cam’s lack of integrity as well as his lack of character.
The 3 things I learned from Super Bowl 50:
- Character: As a man of God I must reflect the image of Him in every facet of my life, weather on the playing field (Trinity Networx Office for me), home, church, sporting events etc. We will tested for our faith in all these places weather suffering or in joyous times we must always be above reproach (Romans 5:3-4). Peyton manning exemplified this and Cam Newton was exposed. The Lord will ALWAYS expose sin.
- Teamwork: The leader of the team or on a football team the quarterback must always be strong, positive and even tempered. Seeing Cam Newton on the sideline on the grass pounding the grass like a little baby when he did not get his ice cream from his mommy sends a bad message to his team and embarrasses himself at the same time. When his teammates saw that, I am sure they were a little thrown back by it because they may have never seen this behavior and in turn deflated them. The other teammates may have felt defeated as well and did not give his all as his leader had thrown in the towel.
- There is ALWAYS someone trying to take your spot: Never think that because you are at the top of your game weather in business or on the field that you are a shoe-in. Someone will always be trying to knock you off and take your place. This can apply to your clients in your business or the national football title. Stay vigilant.
As a leader we must always exemplify character, teamwork and always be vigilant and not become complacent. A leader is ALWAYS learning.